Monday, March 31, 2008

A good use of Post-Easter Peeps

I hate marshmallow peeps, a fact that my mom would often get mixed up around Easter time when she'd give all the Cadbury eggs (yum!) to my sister and all the peeps to me. So here's a great use of them that I found on Although, it does turn peeps into somewhat of a voo-doo doll. Pincushion, voo-doo doll, whatever suits your fancy. Just spray some craft sealant on your leftover peep and voila!


Kate Schreiber said...

Haha this is awesome! My new co-worker Jeanette and I were talking last week about how gross Peeps are, so I shared it with her and she loved it too! Thanks for the smile. :)

Unknown said...

Now, now - you got Cadbury eggs, too.

Amy said...

it's even better when you have peep fights in the microwave...

Pam said...

Hey! She always gave us the same amount of both!
--Pam, who gives her kid Cadbury Eggs just so she can eat them when he says YUCK!